the online live music gig guide for birmingham & the midlands

Blackheart Orchestra

Blackheart Orchestra
Blackheart Orchestra

The Blackheart Orchestra are a British singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist duo comprising long term collaborators Chrissy Mostyn and Richard Pilkington

The band blend musical styles in a non-conformist way seamlessly sidestepping boundaries and fusing pop, folk, rock, classical and electronica to create their unique classically-driven, emotion-drenched music. One moment their sound is minimalist and fragile weaving melodies and atmospherics with silence to create ethereal yet hooky musical landscapes that leave audiences and critics describing their work as haunting, enchanting and captivating. Other times the pair create a mountain-like wall of sound using ancient synthesisers, electronic drums, acoustic, electric and bowed guitars and bass to create vast energetic symphonic climaxes.

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